Program Information

Community Onsite Septic Inspection Program

On September 6th 2022 Council directed Staff to proceed with investigating the implementation of a Septic Maintenance and Inspection Program.

Council of the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh is committed to the preservation of the environment and natural resources of the area.

The objective of the program is to aid in keeping our lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater free from pollution caused by faulty septic systems and protect our drinking water sources. Septic systems that are improperly maintained, deteriorating or malfunctioning may have a negative impact on the groundwater, the surrounding water bodies and the environment. All septic systems in the Township will be inspected with septic systems on waterfront properties being first priority.

What is a Septic Maintenance Inspection Program?

Most properties within the Township function with private on-site systems which are regulated through the Ontario Building Code (OBC) which is enforced by the Township. It is through Part 8 of the OBC that the Township may initiate an inspection program.

The program includes a visual inspection of the property with respect to:

  • Type and number of buildings on the property
  • Type of system being used i.e.: privy, grey water or leaching bed
  • Evidence of sewage effluent ponding, odour or unusually green or thick grass growing on or around the tile bed
  • Surface water or ground water flows toward the sewage system
  • Tree or vegetation growth on the tile bed
  • Location of the septic system

A report will be sent to the property owner following the inspection indicating the results. If any actions are required or recommended, this will be noted in the report. Follow up inspections may be required.

By-Law 05-2024

  • Why am I being charged $55 a year and not paying the entire amount at the time the inspection occurs?

    Currently the anticipated cost of one inspection is $330. By spreading this cost of the over 6 years it minimizes the financial impact on residents. 

  • Why am I paying now for the inspection when it won’t be completed for 6 years?

    We all recognize that the costs to operate any program generally change over time and are difficult to predict. By spreading the cost over six years this allows the Township to adjust the annual charge to reflect the actual cost of operating the program and by doing this further ensures that the resident who had their inspection completed first will pay the same amount as the resident who had their inspection completed last. 

    In addition, the Township is exempting residents from the $750 permit fee for replacing their existing system and the $400 permit fee for repairs to their existing system which are managed by the program. This means that although their inspection may not be completed for 2-6 years, they have access to the benefits of the program, such as they do not pay the fee for a permit if they needed to repair or replace their system today.

  • What to do if you feel the charge to the property is incorrect.

    While a great deal of effort was made to ensure the list is accurate, there are unfortunately properties where the charge was incorrectly applied. Please contact the office so that the appropriate fee will be removed or adjusted. 

    Prior to removal or adjustment, the owners request will be vetted by a staff member to ensure the request is accurate and may be asked to provide written confirmation. 

    Once confirmed, the Treasury department will remove and reverse the charge from their tax bill. If they already paid, a credit will be applied.

  • I don’t have a septic system, I have a holding tank, privy, grey water system, composting toilet, trailer, etc.

    There are many ways to treat wastewater. Septic System was chosen to be used as the generic term as it is understood by most people. As such, a property owner may not see their exact type of system in the program language, however all systems that treat wastewater are included in the program and will be inspected to ensure proper disposal. 

  • I have an advanced treatment unit which already requires an inspection by a private company, do I still need an inspection?

    These types of systems do not require an inspection and are assessed at a lower charge as the Township still must keep track and monitor to ensure the proper inspection is being completed.

  • My system is fine; I do not need an inspection.

    While this may true, many residents do a great job of operating and maintaining their systems. There is very little information on the maintenance and safe operation of the systems in the Township as a whole. Because of this, it is important to establish a baseline and by doing this, the program can be adapted to meet the needs of the community, both present and future.

    Other benefits may include:

    • Helps to protect our drinking water
    • Provides information on how to properly maintain and operate the system which may extend the life of the system and potentially avoid costly repairs and replacement
    • Septic Systems are becoming very expensive to install, the program may help someone to plan for the replacement and avoid the unexpected cost
    • Acts a reminder to maintain filters, pump tank, that it is there, etc. 

  • How long will I be charged?

    While the goal would be to see the program to operate in some capacity for the foreseeable future, there is currently no definitive timeline. The program will be reassessed closer to the end of year 6 and Council will decide next steps based on the results of the first cycle.  

Program Updates

By Kelly Thomson August 27, 2024
The new Community Onsite Septic Inspection Program Fee has been included in the 2024 Final Tax Bills as a separate line item for local improvements. This charge applies only to properties with septic systems. If you believe you have been incorrectly billed for this fee and do not have a septic system, please contact the Township to inquire about reversing the charge.
By Sarah Louise McGregor July 18, 2024
The Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh COSIP inspections are starting on Tuesday, July 30. If you have received a letter in the mail, your property is included in the first cycle of inspections. Please complete the form and return it prior to your scheduled inspection date. Cycle One inspections will be completed by mid September.
By Sarah Louise McGregor June 25, 2024
The Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh has started mailing letters to the first stage of properties along the Lakeshore. Included in the letter is the date and time frame for your inspection as well as a form to complete regarding your septic system to return to the Township. The form can also be found here:
By Sarah Louise McGregor May 24, 2024
The Township of Ashfield - Colborne - Wawanosh has been hosting outreach presentations to the Lakeshore Associations. The lakeshore communities at the northern end of the Township, working south, will be the first to receive inspection booking letters. Septic information forms will be sent out in the mail commencing this summer. 
By Joy Lindsay February 6, 2024
The Township of Ashfield - Colborne - Wawanosh Council passed the By-Law 05-2024 to enact the Community Onsite Septic Inspection Program on February 6, 2024. Inspections are expected to start April 2024 in the lakeshore communities at the northern end of the Township, working south. Inspection booking letters and septic information forms will be sent out in the mail in the near future.
By Joy Lindsay January 16, 2024
Upon receiving direction on January 16, 2024 from Council, staff are proceeding with bringing the Community Onsite Septic Inspection Program By-Law to the February 6, 2024 Council Meeting as proposed. Maintenance Inspections are proposed to start in the Spring of 2024. 
By Kelly Thomson September 5, 2023
Join us at the Municipal Office for Septic Socials on September 12th, 14th, 19th or 21st from 3:00-4:00 p.m.! This is an opportunity for members of the public to talk to staff about the proposed Community On-site Septic Inspection Program.
May 16, 2023
At the May 16, 2023 Regular Council Meeting Council supported the launching of the Sewage System Maintenance and Inspection Program by the end of June 2023.
March 20, 2023
At the March 20, 2023 Regular Council Meeting Council supported the continued development of a sewage system maintenance and inspection program. With the approval of the budget, staff began taking the first steps in the initiation of a sewage system maintenance and inspection program. This included:
February 7, 2023
At the February 7, 2023 Regular Council Meeting Council proceeded with the initiation of a Township administered sewage system maintenance and inspection program and that the estimated cost of $130,000 for the initial setup be brought back for approval in the 2023 Budget. This amount was subsequently approved at the 2023 Budget meeting.
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